Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission

Adopted January 10, 1995

1. CVRPC requests that municipalities identify local growth centers and present the same to CVRPC in a 1:5,000 cartographic format based on orthophotos and identifying the four grid points. Municipalities may provide additional information as they deem necessary. To assist towns in this endeavor, CVRPC will provide each town with a map depicting where their Commissioner or staff has identified a growth center in their town. CVRPC will also provide a copy of the evaluation process and a cover letter explaining the purpose and importance of identifying growth centers and offering staff assistance. Towns have the option of deciding not to have a growth center within their boundaries.

The Regional Plan defines growth center as follows:

"The growth center concept, as used in this Plan, is intended to encourage communities to have concentrated development and growth patterns that maintain and enhance existing centers and create the opportunity and incentive for new or expanded centers by maximizing efficient infrastructure investment. Growth center is not a quantitative term, but rather a qualitative one; nor is it fixed in time. As such, it may apply to a proposed clustered rural residential subdivision, a major industrial park, or to an existing major city. The growth center concept is not intended to prohibit new growth or the development of rural areas, but instead to promote concentrated growth where it will have the least adverse impact on the social, political, and natural environments."

The Plan also identifies the following policies under Goal 3 of the Land Use section:

"1. New development should be planned so as to respect the historic settlement pattern of compact villages, neighborhoods, and urban centers separated by rural countryside. Accordingly, CVRPC:

A. supports the designation or creation of local growth centers;
B. endorses the concept of creating new villages to accommodate new growth;
C. supports the appropriate expansion of existing settlements;
D. encourages 'cluster' or 'open space' design for new residential and commercial
developments, particularly those outside of existing settlements or planned
growth areas and discourages the development of new commercial strips;
E. encourages 'in fill' development and adaptive reuse of buildings in existing settlements;
F. supports infrastructure improvements and expansion necessary to achieve land use objectives and encourages State funding initiatives for the same;
G. supports and encourages revitalization efforts directed toward strengthening and improving our villages and cities;
H. recognizes that some environmental 'trade-offs' will be necessary to achieve desired growth patterns;
I. believes that land use restrictions should not unduly hinder self-employment
for residents. Such opportunities may help reinforce traditional land use patterns
through economic incentives;
J. encourages municipalities to examine the tax implications of proposed development
projects. However, such implications should not be the sole basis for the
formulation of a position regarding any given proposal."

2. CVRPC staff assembles additional data on designated area from "in-house" sources and/or supplementary information from the municipality, if necessary.

3. During the months of April and October, staff presents this information to a standing committee of Commissioners of the Commission. The committee applies the "Growth Center Evaluation Criteria" (adopted September 13, 1994) to arrive at a score and classification for the designated area (i.e. "Primary Growth Center," "Secondary Growth Center" or "Not a Growth Center"). Representatives of the municipality being reviewed would be notified of Committee meetings.

4. The committee will mail its findings to the towns evaluated so that the towns may provide additional input prior to the committee submitting its recommendations to the full Commission for ratification. The committee's recommendations, which will be presented to the Commission for approval only in the months of May and November, cannot be amended by the Commission.

5. The Commission's designations may be used to help implement the Regional Plan's growth center goals through the Commission's influence in public expenditure or development review decisions, where applicable.


Adopted September 13, 1994
Amended November 14, 1995




A. Does the designated area conform with local plan and/or zoning?

range of 0 to 20 points

B. Does the designated area contain (or allow) community facilities, residential uses,
and commercial/industrial uses?

All three = 20 pts. Any two = 10 pts. One = 0 pts

C. Does the designated area promote concentrated/nodal over sprawling/linear patterns of growth?

range of 0 to 15 points

D. Is the designated area adequately served by transportation infrastructure (i.e. highway, air, rail, public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian)?

Six modes = 10 pts.
Five modes = 8 pts.
Four modes = 6 pts.
Three modes = 4 pts.
Two modes = 2 pts.
one or no modes = 0 pts.

E. Is water available within the designated area?

Public system with excess capacity = 5 pts.
Available with private, on-site system = 4 pts.
Capacity limitations but improvements planned = 3 pts.
Problems with system, no improvements planned = 0 pts.

F. Is sewage treatment available within the designated area?
Public system with excess capacity = 5 pts.
Adequate on-site treatment possible = 4 pts.
Capacity limitations, improvements planned = 3 pts
Problems with system, no improvements planned = 0 pts.

G. Does the designated area contain natural resources identified for protection
in the Regional Plan?

Few limitations = 10 pts.
Moderate limitations = 4 pts.
Severe limitations = 0 pts.


65 to 85 points = Primary Growth Center
50 to 64 points = Secondary Growth Center
Less than 50 points = Not a growth center



© Copyright Central Vermont chamber of Commerce © 2001, All rights reserved.
CV chamber / P.O. Box 336 / Barre, Vermont 05641


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